E-BC Promo

Privacy Policy


Information for Users

(Art. 13 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016)

The protection of your privacy is one of our main objectives. This page describes how the site is managed in relation to the processing of personal data of users who consult it. We remind you that specific information is published in all websites managed where we collect personal data pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter: “Regulation”) for its necessary reading before providing the requested data. The information and data provided by you or otherwise acquired as part of the requests to E-Business Consulting S.r.l. will be processed in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation and the confidentiality obligations that inspire the activity of E-Business Consulting S.r.l.

According to the rules of the Regulation, the treatments carried out by E-Business Consulting S.r.l. they will be based on the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, purpose and storage limitation, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality. The information is provided for the site in question.

The Data “Owner” of treatment

Following consultation of this site, data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed. The “owner” of their processing is E-Business Consulting S.r.l. which is based in Corso del Popolo 8, 35131 Padua (PD), email leggeprivacy@e-businessconsulting.it, cf/PI IT03800270286.

Personal data subject of treatment

The personal, personal and fiscal data provided by users to the company E-Business Consulting S.r.l. are processed in paper, electronic and telematic form for contractual and legal requirements, as well as to allow effective management of commercial relationships. The data may be communicated in Italy and abroad, for contractual and legal purposes, as well as to allow effective management of commercial relationships. The telephone numbers and email addresses provided by users may be used by E-Business Consulting S.r.l. For:

a) Sending commercial communications (marketing) via telephone calls and sending emails. Subject to obtaining your express consent, your personal data may be used by E-Business Consulting to send commercial communications. Consent to the processing of this data is optional and any refusal to process will not result in the preclusion from joining the services of E-Business Consulting S.r.l. In any case, the user will have the right to object, in whole or in part, to the processing of their personal data for marketing and/or direct sales purposes, by simply making a request to E-Business Consulting, without any formalities. It is specified that telephone calls or receipt of e-mails are related to commercial offers requested via the form to be filled out;

b) Transfer of data for sample surveys and direct sales by third-party companies. Subject to obtaining your express consent, your personal data may only be transferred by E-Business Consulting S.r.l. to third parties in the sectors of marketing, direct sales of goods and services via the Internet and other remote communication technologies, by companies operating in the sectors of e-commerce, publishing, electricity and gas, consultancy, tourism, sports, communications, telecommunications, call centers, entertainment, finance, companies operating in the public betting and gaming, insurance, automotive, consumer goods, humanitarian and charitable organizations sectors (specifically, Fastweb S.p.A., Edison Energia e Assistenza Casa, Generali Italia constitute third parties) for sample surveys , the sending of commercial communications (marketing) and/or direct sales, via e-mail, fax, telephone and any other remote communication technology. In any case, the user will have the right to object, in whole or in part, to the processing of their personal data for marketing and/or direct sales purposes, by simply making a request to E-Business Consulting, without any formalities.

Methods of Treatment

Personal data are processed, including with automated and electronic tools, for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access, including the secure https protocol, of applications and protections from unauthorized access to servers and other computers in use.

Type of Data Processed

Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment.

This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site and E-Business Consulting S.r.l.

Social Media

In addition to filling out the appropriate registration form, you can register for services or editorial initiatives, if you have a profile on social media, also by simply clicking for example on the “Login with Facebook” button. In this case, the social media will automatically send E-Business Consulting S.r.l. some of your Personal Data, specified in the specific “pop-up” window that is displayed at the time of the request, and there will be no need, if complete, for you to fill in other forms. In the same way, E-Business Consulting S.r.l. it could give you the possibility of associating your profile with other possible social accounts such as: Google, Twitter and Linkedin. Even in these cases, the social network sites involved will send some of your Personal Data to EBusiness Consulting S.r.l., specified in the specific “pop-up” window displayed at the time of the request.


Cookies are text files that are stored on your computer and read remotely by our servers or by third-party servers we use. The use of permanent technical cookies or session cookies (i.e. which are not permanently stored on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the technical provision of the service requested by the user and the transmission of identifiers session numbers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site and its applications. The technical cookies used on this site avoid the use of other IT techniques that are potentially detrimental to the privacy of users’ browsing.

This website also uses, with the user’s prior consent (except for cookies that are strictly necessary on a technical or purely statistical level with aggregate data), some systems – cookies, beacons – which analyze user navigation to create statistics on visits or to improve the content offering and, if necessary, position targeted advertising on web pages.

Optional supply of data

Apart from that specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data contained in the registration forms to solicit the sending of informative material or other communications (the handling of personal contact requests for quotes or information on the services offered by E-Business Consulting S.r.l.). The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site, or through the communication forms, involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the request. The provision of data is optional. However, failure to enter the necessary data makes it impossible to execute the request. The data transmitted may be processed, even with electronic tools, by persons in charge of the commercial, editorial and administrative areas.

The data provided may also be used by the Data Controller to inform interested parts about direct or proprietary promotional and commercial initiatives, as well as third parties. For processing carried out for the purpose of sending direct advertising material or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communications in relation to products or services of the owner similar to those purchased, EBusiness Consulting S.r.l. can use, without the consent of the interested parts, email and addresses pursuant to and within the limits permitted by art. 130, paragraph 4 of the Code and the provision of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data of 19 June 2008. The legal basis for the processing of data for this purpose is art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. f) of the Regulation. The interested part has the possibility to oppose this treatment at any time, initially or during subsequent communications, in an easy and freeway also by writing to the email address: leggeprivacy@e-businessconsulting.it, as well as to obtain an immediate confirmation of the interruption of this treatment (art. 15 of the Regulation). In the event that the user requests registration/subscription to certain E-Business Consulting S.r.l. services by social networks, he/she consents to the communication of his/her profile/account data from the social network to E-Business Consulting S.r.l.

Officers, managers and data processing offices

Personal data may be shared with: subjects that typically act as data controllers pursuant to art. 28 of the Regulation, namely: 1) persons, companies or professional firms that provide assistance and advice to the Owner in accounting, administrative, legal, tax, financial and debt collection with respect to the provision of the Services; 2) subjects with whom it is necessary to interact for the provision of the Required Services; 3) or subjects delegated to perform technical maintenance activities (including maintenance of network equipment and electronic communications networks); collectively “recipients”; 4) subjects, bodies or authorities, independent data controllers, to whom it is mandatory to communicate your personal data in accordance with the provisions of law or orders of the authorities; 5) persons authorized by the Data Controller to process personal data pursuant to art. 29 of the Regulation necessary to carry out activities related to the provision of the Services, which are committed to confidentiality or have an appropriate legal obligation of confidentiality.


Transfers of personal data

Regarding the possible transfer of Data to Third Countries, the Data Controller discloses that the processing will take place according to one of the methods permitted by the law in force, such as the consent of the interested part, the adoption of Standard Clauses approved by the European Commission, the selection of subjects adhering to international programs for free circulation of data (EU-USA Privacy Shield) or operating in countries considered safe by the European Commission.

Data retention

The personal data processed will be kept for the time necessary to manage the request and carry out what is requested in compliance with the principles of minimization and limitation of conservation pursuant to articles. 5.1.e) of the Regulation.

Rights of interested parties

Pursuant to articles 15 and following of the Regulation, the user has the right to request at any time access to his personal data, rectification or cancellation of the same, limitation of processing in the cases provided for by the art. 18 of the Regulation, obtain the data concerning him in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, in the cases provided for by the art. 20 of the Regulation. At any time, the user can revoke pursuant to art. 7 of the Regulation the consent given; lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority pursuant to art. 77 of the GDPR (Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data) pursuant to art. 77 of the Regulation, if you believe that the processing of your data is contrary to the legislation in force. The user can formulate a request to object to the processing of his personal data pursuant to art. 21 of the GDPR in which to highlight the reasons justifying the opposition: the Data Controller reserves the right to evaluate the request, which would not be accepted in the event of the existence of binding legitimate reasons for proceeding with the processing which prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of the ‘user.

Requests must be sent in writing to the Data Controller at the following address: leggeprivacy@ebusinessconsulting.it